An interview with Marco Robinson, the founder of BIGluv.

In this VERY special episode, we interview Marco Robinson who’s the Creator of the World’s 1st asset-backed cryptocurrency, NAKED. You may have seen Marco on your TV screen as the STAR & CREATOR of Channel 4’s hit TV show “Get a house for FREE”. Marco is also a best selling author and creator of BIGluv, the world’s FIRST charity using Blockchain Technology.

Marco has an incredibly inspiring back-story and tells us of his struggles growing up. Here’s a snippet from Marco’s website which gives you a taster of his childhood adversity:

Marco’s childhood was traumatic, at 2 years old his mum left his Dad, due to his addiction to Gambling. Every week his mum would have to work four jobs just to pay the housekeeping bills and put food on the table while his Dad blew his whole salary on the horses.

Marco and his Mum would regularly move from town to town, school to school and not really make any friends, sometimes they had to sleep in the Park quite often to survive…Then his Mum unfortunately entered (unbeknown to her at the time) an abusive Relationship in the hope at first there would be stability.

Here’s what we discuss on the show:

  • Some of the core principals and beliefs which helped Marco achieve incredible levels of personal and financial success.
  • How Marco became involved in Crypto & Blockchain.
  • The creation of the worlds first asset-backed cryptocurrency, NAKED.
  • Why an asset-backed cryptocurrency is important.
  • BIGluv – the worlds first charity using blockchain technology.
  • How the traditional model for many charities is broken with a lack of transparency.

How to connect with Marco Robinson and find out more:

BIGluv website

Marco’s personal website

Naked Technology website

Follow Marco on Twitter


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